Sunday 8 June 2008

More Changes...

Yup, it's yet another totally generic and non-descriptive blog post title~ don't you just love them? :) Sorry for the overload of sarcasm and other joyful exclamations in this post. The past two days I've slept around 11 hours each and yet I'm feeling totally exhausted right now. Amazing isn't it? You could just scrape me off my chair and put me to bed without a struggle.

Talking about scraping off... the weather these past days has been gruesome. You know it's warm when you have to literally pry yourself off your chair's seat and cringe in pain because your underwear has decided to merge with your skin. Lots of fun. The melted chocolate is a horrible thing too. Going outside? Are you crazy, the sun burnsss usss~ @_@

So I finally got the long-expected money from Norway. Not a moment too soon. I finally got to pay Pieter for my stay at his place plus some other debts, and I've got money for the hair-removal treatment on Wednesday. I should get a new web development job next week for a Dutch travel company as well. I hope it works out.

Also next week... the reply from the German clinic about the MRI scan images. If it's a positive result I get to wrestle with my insurance company, if it's negative I'll have to get another scan to make sure nothing got messed up in the mess which accompanied the current images (Privatescan no longer works with the clinic where they were made and such). I think it's ridiculous that I get an initial positive MRI report and then only negative ones based on supposedly the same images. Talking about things which drive one to just give up...

Anyway, earlier today I sent some emails to national public TV channels, to see whether they're interested in my story, with a focus on the terrible Dutch 'health care' system and the lack of knowledge and understanding regarding intersexual people. I hope I get some positive responses from them. Else there are the commercial channels to try as well.

I'm still working on the community site... it's taking me a lot longer than expected, mostly because my sensitivity regarding things which trigger my traumas has become a lot lower. It's getting so bad now that someone just has to mention something related to sexuality or relationships and there's a good chance it'll knock me out for an hour at least. At this rate I'm not getting more than 1-2 hours of work done every day.

Perhaps I should just cut myself off from all non-essential communications...


1 comment:

Johnny-sama said...

Sorry about the conversation I had with Wasabi...

I hope you feel better soon!